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– 드론의 현재 발전 상황과 문제점 등을 소개하며, 드론의 미래 발전 방향 등을 제시
– 저고도 소형 드론의 식별과 드론 범죄 예방 대책에 대해 논의
– 유인 드론의 현황, 안티드론의 법제화 등 향후 바람직한 드론 정책의 방향의 제시
TitleThe 6th Korea Police World Expo
Period2024. 10. 23rd (Wed) ~ 26th (Sat)
VenueSongdo ConvensiA, Incheon
HostKorean National Police Agency, Incheon Metropolitan City
OrganizerIncheon Tourism Organization, MESSE ESANG CO., Ltd., KOTRA
SponsorMinistry of Science and ICT, Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Public Procurement Office, Korea Coast Guard, Public Procurement Service, The Police Mutual Aid Association, Road Traffic Authority, Korean Association of Crime Scene Investigation, Korean Police Law Association, Korean Association of Police Science, Korean CPTED Association, KOHSIA, Development of Smart community policing system(Googi) Research Center, The Korean Association of Smart Policing, City Regeneration and Safety Association
Business MeetingTotal 424 meetings, 450 million USD (Contract amount about 171 million USD)
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